ChatGPT Studio Ghibli Moment; Q4 Results of First Pacific

OpenAI new image generation function going viral; Unboxing Q4 results of companies we investing in

OpenAI is having its ChatGPT moment again, with its new function to turn any picture into the Studio Ghibli style going viral. The output is particularly interesting, funny and thought-provoking.

We especially like the Ghibli style meme as below:

Meme in Studio Ghibli style

A stark contrast of another Studio Ghibli movie scene from “The Wind Rises” going viral at the same time, with this 4 second scene taking 1 year 3 months to create, because every frame in the scene is hand drawn frame by frame.

If it’s created by generative AI, it can be created in less than a day with less than a fraction of the cost.

If “Creativity, Skill, Time and Dedication” is removed from the equation, will AI open up more possibility?

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